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Trust Company Dreaming In Black And White Zip Up Sweat

• • • • • Pensioners tend to dream in black and white, while young people dream in colour. Research has shown that once we reach our 60s, just one person in five has bright-coloured, vivid dreams; in contrast, as many as four in five experience them under the age of 30. As a dream psychologist, I find this fascinating because it matches my own analysis, over many decades, of more than 140,000 dreams. The fact is that dreams change dramatically with age — and not always in the way most of us would expect.

The really interesting question, however, is why they change. Vivid: As many as four in five people under 30 experience bright-coloured dreams, according to research In the latest research, the American Psychological Association has come up with the extraordinary theory that pensioners no longer have dreams of vibrant colour because they grew up in an era of black-and-white television. To my mind, this explanation is nonsense.

Logically, it would mean that people who grew up during the era of silent films spent the rest of their lives dreaming without sound. And that, in 30 or 40 years’ time, a generation who grew up in the age of 3D televisions will be falling out of bed all the time because they’re dreaming in spatially-alarming 3D.

The truth is that it’s the way our minds and experiences change over time that alters our dreams. Dreams are a product of our unconscious, stories our minds invent to help cope with the areas of our life we find difficult to deal with.

Share The reason our dreams seem less colourful — both in terms of hue and content — as we get older is that we dream most actively and intensely during periods of heightened emotion. That’s why adolescence and early adulthood are such prolific periods for dreams; there’s so much going on in our waking lives that our unconscious mind has to work overtime at night just to keep up. But as we get older, we tend to settle into routines and our unconscious mind has less with which to busy itself. When moments of heightened emotion unexpectedly return — the loss of a parent, redundancy or retirement, ill-health, the death of a partner — we’ll find we’re dreaming as vividly as a teenager again.

Unless, of course, we’re on antidepressants or sleeping pills, in which case our dream content will be far less colourful and much more subdued. It is also important to realise that the subject of a dream may not relate to the same subject in our waking lives. You would expect the elderly, for example, to dream about death more than the young. Actually, dreams about death become less common as we get older — although, as we age, we spend more time dreaming about people who have already died, communing and conversing with them as if they were still alive. Conversely, young people often dream about death. Not because they’re scared of dying, but because in their dreamworld, a dramatic event such as death represents a major transition in their lives — a new school, university or their first job.

It is because older people face fewer of these transitions that they dream about death rather less. We might also expect dreams about sex to diminish as we get older, but this is not the case. Sex dreams are not about idle fantasies, but seem to coincide with periods of great creativity — and older people have these in abundance. The more that we conceive ideas in waking life that really get our creative juices flowing, the more dreams of an intimate nature we will have.

The dreams of older people whose lives have changed dramatically in some way are particularly interesting. Someone who was raised in one country and then emigrated to live and work in another may find they dream in their mother tongue when dreaming about the country of their birth and in their adopted language when dreaming about other subjects. Youngsters dream about death far more than OAPs By contrast, those who started life able-bodied but who, through accident or illness, are later confined to a wheelchair rarely dream about themselves without the wheelchair.

It quickly becomes part of their normal dream vocabulary, although that doesn’t mean the wheelchair can’t acquire super-powers in much the same way we all acquire super-powers while dreaming. In dreams our normal critical faculties are switched off, so we barely question a dream that gives us the ability to fly, just as a wheelchair-user won’t question a dream in which their chair moves without effort and can float magically upstairs.

There are particular types of dreams that recur more frequently as we get older. One of the most common involves the loss of a purse or wallet or something else of value. The item represents our own self-worth and sense of identity. A purse or wallet not only has our money in it, but it’s full of cards (credit cards, bus passes, ID cards) that define who we are. So people tend to have this dream when their sense of identity is suddenly under pressure and their self-worth in doubt.

Theory: Researchers believe pensioners have more black and white dreams because they grew up in an era of black and white television It can be sparked by the loss of a job, the end of a relationship, the death of a long-term partner — anything traumatic enough to make us unconsciously question who we are. Bloodlust Metal Jdr Pdf Creator here. Another common dream for older people is one that involves returning to their place of work only to find it empty or filled with people they don’t know.

The equipment may be unfamiliar or isn’t being used correctly. It’s the dream of someone who’s lost their sense of purpose, and while it could be prompted by something fairly obvious such as retirement or redundancy, it can also be sparked by something far more subtle, a perhaps barely-conscious feeling of having somehow lost your way.

As our experiences over time change, so do our dreams Dreams about houses — another classic symbol of self — become more common as we get older. A derelict house with smashed windows and missing floorboards can be an unconscious expression of a feeling that we’re not looking after ourselves sufficiently, perhaps because we’re spending too much time looking after others. Similarly, a dream about a much-loved house — often the house where the dreamer grew up — which has a dark shadow falling across it represents unconscious worries about your own health. So there’s no surprise that this particular sort of dream (they are called prodromal dreams, from the Greek for forerunner) become a lot more common as we get older. Indeed, there are those who believe that recurring dreams of this sort should be taken as a serious health warning. While I don’t know if this is true, it is definitely worth paying attention to our dreams as an indicator of our moods and happiness levels. So if you feel your dreams are getting dull or drab, you could do worse than follow advice I offer to many of my older clients: to go out and inject a bit of action and creativity into their lives.

It’ll do great things for your waking life and for your dreams, too. N Ian Wallace is author of The Top 100 Dreams: The Dreams That We All Have And What They Really Mean.