Drakensang No Cd Crack Download

In Aventuria, the legendary continent of heroes, adventure and mysteries, something is on the move. It is an event which role players have been eagerly awaiting ever since the Nordland Trilogy. The story centers around Ferdok, an important trading city on the Great River. The feared female lancers of Ferdok and Ferdok's famous beer have given the city a reputation throughout the continent and the humans here live in harmony with the dwarves.

But despite the cheerful and peaceful atmosphere, the peace is now being shaken by a mysterious series of murders. Sinister figures are pursuing their dark schemes, while the fear among the population grows with every new murder. And while the adventures are still pondering whether the crimes are connected to the proclamation made by the Church of Hesinde on the tenth anniversary of the Dragonquest, they themselves are dragged into the mysterious events by a very particular murder. Personal Notes Port based on cluthz’s port of the sequel.

This is a classical RPG in the style of games like Neverwinter Nights 2. It may not have any special ZoMG features such as a crappy fortress managing system or guy dialogue options that don't do anything, but it is a consistently good game, which in itself is kind of special these days.

Same problem here. Not sure what the solution is yet. I tried compatability settings, as administrator, etc. Nothing worked. While the intro video is playing I can actually see the video flash into what looks like a 640x480 corner in the top left briefly if I at-tab back and forth betwen it and other apps. Ninja Saga Hack Download this Ninja Saga Hack for nothing here! We offer this hack heat ninja saga for token damage and more free gold hack enjoy our daily updated tool for ninja saga hack and kill bosses in 1 hit only. Weed Firm: RePlanted Hack for Cash 2016 Weed Firm: RePlanted uses cash as its.

One cool thing is how the game has no classes. Instead you use your experience points to directly upgrade your skills. So any character could learn almost anything, which gives a lot of customization possibilities. There is much attention to detail. In fact, I'd say there is too much attention to detail as you will find the areas to be way too big, leading to a lot of pointless walking back and forth. Fortunately there is a simple way to increase the running speed so the walking doesn't become much of a pain.

Get and launch Now navigate to your savegame folder (~/Library/Application Support/Drakensang/Documents/Drakensang/profiles/default/save/) and open the folder of one of your saves. In there you will find one file ending with.dsa which you must open in SQLite Database Browser. Go to the tab 'Execute SQL' and type into the 'SQL String' field the following Code: update _INSTANCE_PC set RunSpeed=5.0, CurrentSpeed=5.0, MaxVelocity=5. Product Key Autocad Civil 3d 2012 64 Bits. 0; Press 'Execute query' and you should get 'No Errors' as an error message. Save the file and repeat the same process for every save file you want to patch. You could probably use other vales or change other entries, but I have no idea what any of those do. If you follow my instructions you will get a well playable game without riddiculous speed boosts or out of sync looking animations. This also works for the sequel.

Tested Game-Version: German Gold Edition (not Software Pyramide) Genre: Pen&Paper style Computer RPG My System Specs: - OS: Mac OS X 10.7 Lion - CPU: 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo - RAM: 4 GB - Video: NVIDIA GeForce 9400 256 MB - Port Disk Space: 9 GB (about 6GB without high-res textures) Known Issues: - The game may crash randomly on character creation or during cutscenes if high resolution textures are enabled. Either disable them or save yourself 4GB by not installing them in the first place (this might have been fixed in the meantime, I didn’t try) - Intro video does not work. Run the game with the '-novideo' flag (set in Wineskin.app ->advanced).

I already set that for you. - if the camera spins around like crazy quit the game and launch it again. This happens very rarely.

Installation: - Launch Drakensang.app, choose 'Install Windows Software' and install the game using your retail CD or digital download, deny DirectX - You will have to use a No-CD crack OR - Copy your installed Game files into here: Drakensang.app/Contents/drive_c/Program Files/., launch Drakensang.app, choose Advanced and set the game's EXE as the Windows EXE Game Video: YouTubeVideoHere What's New in Version 1.1 (). I made a new game, so that's not it. I actually made two different chars too.

There are two different crashes, one nebula error (nebula is the game engine) and one error with GL out of memory. Happens on low settings too, and I have 1024MB vram (Nvidia 285) so that shouldn't be a error since there are no other indications of memory leaks when I read thru logs. Are you playing on SL or Lion btw? (I'm on SL 10.6.8) I have the same crashed in RoT too, but only in nadoret and less frequent. I did finish the whole game in my wine port (probably 50 hours or so), the game was very good, so I am really eager to play 'normal' drakensang.

I've actually been playing in windows now, and I just realize that RoT should be game nr1 and this nr2, because this story starts where RoT ends •. River of Time worked perfectly for me, even with high-res textures.Yeah, it was pretty cool to meet Ardo in person after I got only to hear about him in Drakensang. Personally I think RoT is the better game, they are more or less the same but RoT just seems more refined. I could reboot and test in Lion, but If I'm gonna relog I might swell just relog to win7. The GTX 285 just doesn't handle this game well in wine The devs listened to the community after Drakensang 1, which was the first modern computer based TDE and implemented a lot the community wanted.

Like more char customization, teleport from zone to zone. Improved crafting, more open world (you can go back and forth from zone to zone all game). Many puzzles (i love those!), less trash respawn. There is also different quests for different classes. I'm very sad that radon labs went bankrupt, I'm pretty sure they would have made a lot of good games, instead of being forced to make browser mmo games. As an former avid D&D player (with books) I really love well built rig system, and I hope we will se more games like Drakensang and NWN series.

Todays rpgs are just too shallow, I really like how you have to read up on how different stats work, and I still haven't got full control over the TDE system The level gain is also not that much, and a boss fight that's hard on lvl 5 is still hard on lvl 9 (I was lvl 12 when I finished RoT). All the main chars are present in both games, even the crew on your ship is in Drakensang (around on various bars ).

I like how the combat is too, you need to plan ahead for a long time. Healing takes 4 rounds to cast and pots are really scarce. The game requires so much micromanagement, even NWN2 is easy to control compared to the drakensang games. Survey Programs For Hp 35s. Imo, maybe the best hardcore RGPs out there, and it's a dying breed BIoWare makes action games now, Obsidian, well they made DS3 which was too much action too.

So I guess RoT was the last micromanagement/advanced character RPG ever made Risen 2 is on the way tho, but it's simplified a lot according to previews I've read, which will appeal to younger games, but I like that it takes research to build a character and that you can use hours reading manuals and books to play well. (I did play Baldur's Gate with AD&D Monster Manual ) Btw Baldurs Gate is going to be remade this year!! I don't consider an RPG hardcore unless characters can actually die. I really like Drakensang but it does have bad habits from the Neverwinter Nights games like only four party members and no permanent death.

On the other hand combat is more tactical and challenging than Neverwinter Nights 2 where I only had to equip my characters properly and then let the AI do the rest, but to be fair with NWN 2's crappy camera that might even be a good thing. Drakensang is pretty much the closest thing to a turn party based RPG like Baldur's Gate these days. When I bought it I wasn't even expecting a good game, it went mostly ignored in the English speakign media so I guessed German media was just biased in favour of a German-made game. I don't even know why I bought it, I guess I'm kind of stupid when I see an RPG for 10€, so there I was playing my 'crappy NWN knockoff' and I found myself really enjoying it.

One thing I really like is how Drakensang has a certain 'warm' feeling. The tech isn't impressive at all but it's full of so many nice details and it feels really familiar.

Neverwinter Nights 2 with its epic end of the world storyline just feels distant. Sure, having your own fortress is cool, but I'd take Ardo's cozy house over it anytime. Of coures being a good game helps too The retail version I have came with a colourful manual (love those ) a poster that has skill trees on the other side and even the complete Dark Eye rulebook as a PDF. With most companies you just get a black and white manual that has like five pages. The rulebook was really handy, I was able to look up rules I didn't understand, pretty cool. I don't really mind when an RPG is more action oriented, as long as there is actual depth to the combat.

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic for example has really good combat. Unfortunately more often than not action oriented gamedesign is just an excuse for developers to halfass the game part and show off their scripted story and fancy tech. Yeah, it's a shame Radon Labs went bankrupt, they almost made the perfect RPG.

Less forgiving rules, more party members and less pointless fetch quests (the one thing where RoT is inferior). Maybe even mod support? And now I feel like playing Drakensang again. See what you made me do now cluthz, on 29 March 2012 - 06:58 PM, said. Btw Baldurs Gate is going to be remade this year!! I know, but it will be Beamdog exclusive, which is poor man's Steam. Baldur's Gate is the kind of game that would have deserved a proper retail release in a nice box, 100+ page manual and a map.

Maybe even a special edition that comes with a printed AD&D rulebook? Wizards wouldn't loose any money by giving away a discontinued product and it might promote the current Dungeons & Dragons. I have the original retail releases of both Baldur's Gate games and it just wuldn't be the same having only a DVD in a cheap case. There is actually no reason for little mod support. Radonlabs did release the engine (Nebula) as Open source! SO mods should be easy.

The problem was that the game was never released outside EU initially, so RoT came to US just a few months ago. RoT never came with a manual!! Which is kinda hard for a newb like me, even tho I've got very more than average insight to PaP rpgs, it took me hours of reading forums before I understood it halfway. I got manual with DSA tho, a pdf with steam release. There is apparently a expansion for RoT, but I've not seen it in EU, but it's available on steam, but only in US. Some legal issues after the bankruptcy I guess. Reviews claim it's very unfinished and rumors claim big point (which bought the bankrupt radon labs) just fixed it up so they could milk some money from it before they destroyed the drakensang name and made a web based MMO with Facebook integration of the series!

I think lack of advertising did kill radon labs. Even a avid rpger like me didn't realize that it was worth playing until a year ago and I search forums for games like this a lot. With proper release and advertising I'm pretty sure it could have been as big as other european rpgs as the Gothic Series. I actually think RoT was superior to G3. (although G2NOTR is still the best RPG made;p ) You dislike NWN2?

I actually liked it a lot! I found a camera add-on thingy that made it very playable for me. I don't dislike it, I just find it lacking depth. Combat was just a spectator sport where you put the AI on autopilot. That's quite a contrast to games like Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale where a character dying actually meant something.

The other problem is that Neverwinter Nights 2 was in 3D and no matter what I did to the camera I could never get a good view. And finally there are the particle effects that clutter half of my screen.

Some games just seem to work better in 2D or at least 3D that plays like 2D. Yes, there was an Add On to Rot (Phileasson's Secret), I have it but I haven't reached that point yet. From what I read it was just waaay too short like as sidestory that ended right after the prologue. I bought the Gold Edition of RoT which had the main game and the add on (and full coloured manuals for both ). Having a manual really helps, I remember when I first tried Baldur's Gate 2 I was wondering why a leather armour provides better protection than chainmal, and what on earth does thaco mean?

I didn't know the Drakensang games didn't get proper US releases. I lilve in Germany and even I only found out about it by chance.

There was no advertising, they just put it out there hoping Dark Eye fans would buy it. There was even a really elaborate collector's edition For RoT you could even preorder a personal edition with your name on it •.

The thing with NWN is that you should not use the auto pilot. Turn up the difficulty and start micromanagement. I started playing a bit TOEE again, why din't they use the same engine for BG and IWD It's really a very polished combat system there! I think Drakensang is native in german and translated to EN afterwards, for some reason germans sometimes only think about themselves TDE was for a long time also only available in german, and EN translation is pretty new. WHen I got BG the first time I was already familiar with the DnD system, so for me it was very easy to start with. I think that the game was meant for DnD nerds and wanted to make the gameplay exactly like in the PnP version, which they managed!

ToEE is just a refinement of the system, with turn based combat instead, which i love, then you have to micromanage everything! I think that's the reason I loved Fallout 1 and 2 so much. By the way, did you ever play Summoner? It's more like DA1 in terms of combat, and its a very short game (25 hours at most), but the story is good and there are some cleaver mechanics and you are forced to play some parts of the game with only one or two of the party members, etc. The thing with NWN is that you should not use the auto pilot. Turn up the difficulty and start micromanagement. Then I'd have to fight the camera again I tried micromanaging, but whenever I change my character the camera jumps over and gets a new rotation, it's nothing like Drakensang where the camera moves smoothly from character to character.

Then i have to re-adjust my view every single time and I spend more time adjusting the camera than my combat strategy. I har Storm of Zehir improved the camera, so I'll just wait until NWN 2 is avaible on GoG. Storm of Zehir is has become verry rare and expensive, there is no complete collection released here and I really don't feel like importing form the US a game I already own just for an expansion that isn't even that good. I guess I could buy it from Steam but then I'd have another problem: Steam cluthz, on 30 March 2012 - 12:24 AM, said.

WHen I got BG the first time I was already familiar with the DnD system, so for me it was very easy to start with.I think that the game was meant for DnD nerds and wanted to make the gameplay exactly like in the PnP version, which they managed! It's not just for D&D Nerds, it's a really good overall game, it has interesting combat, cool locations and a nice storyline. If you stripped the game off the D&D licensed material and replaced it with something generic it would still be good. My only problem was just that the AD&D rules make little sense on a computer.

Putting the limit for an attribute at 18 seems just random but it makes perfect sense when you know you are rolling three six-sided dice. That's why the manual was really useful, it helped my understand what was going on. Without you have no idea if a strengh of 14 is good for a fighter or not.

That's why I think it's a shame Baldur's Gate Enhanced will be download-only, like the game was just made for nostalgia rather than bringing it to a new generation of gamers. Imagine someone buying Baldur's gate Enhanced for iPad, getting all confused by the rule and giving up on a game they might have enjoyed. If you want the player to keep playing your game you must teach them how to kick ass. Cluthz, on 30 March 2012 - 12:24 AM, said. I just wanted to chime in that CX11.2 (with no xi2 for convenience) is working wonders on my system. I can finally enjoy this without crashing every 15-20 minutes.

I've been running it for 1.5 hours in a row with no issues! So if someone had same problem as I had, this might fix it for you! Maybe I'm finally gonna finish this game, with all the crashes and a very boring rat cave I gave up on this last spring.

I managed to crawl out of the rat infested cave, that I probably did enter all to early, since I was dying on every other pull and rather do some catching up in Ferdok so I gain a level or two before I head into that hole again Just now I'm running around in Ferdok trying to remember what i did and what i don't and reading up in my quest logs to figure out where to head next. Also, I noticed something strange, I did attach OpenGL profiler to the app to see if I could find some more info about crashes (which didnt happen after I tried CX11.2.), and it notice the game is running constantly at 30-40FPS, still my GPU is not using more than around 30% of it's power, although VRAM usage is pretty high (600-700MB). Not that it matters that much, because a game like this doesn't really benefit from running 60 FPS.

Game or Patch Questions? Visit MAIN N E T W O R K Drakensang Am Fluss der Zeit / The River of Time Phileassons Geheimnis / Phileasson’s Secret [Add-On] System Language Protection CD Cover: PC:: (v7.41.0004 + Triggers) (Retail DVD) [DSaFdZ/DSPG/DTRoT] (+ PA) (Retail DVD) [DSPS] (Digital Download): Index Game Fixes: • • • • • • • • Game Releases • GERMAN (DSaFdZ Retail DVD / Metaboli: 02-2010) • GERMAN (DSPG Retail DVD: 08-2010) • ENGLISH (DTRoT Retail DVD: 10-2010 / DSPS Retail DVD: 05-2011) Related FileForums Posts • Related Games • • • • • Get it Here! • • • • • • Backup & Installation Notes • Always make a backup of the files that are overwritten by the File Archive, as the original files are usually required to update the game to a newer version or to play Online! • Some No-CD/Fixed EXE files work fine in Single Player mode but are detected to be modified when trying to play online. When this happens use the original EXE to play online, else you could find yourself banned from the game! • When using Fixed Files make sure to use a Firewall which controls outgoing traffic, as some games call back to report the use of these modified files! • Some original games do not work when a certain application has been installed, like DAEMON Tools.

In most cases using a No-CD or Fixed EXE will solve this problem! • Some Game Trainers are sometimes reported to be a Virus or Trojan, the most common is a keylogger called HotKeysHook or the file has been packed/protected with VMProtect or Themida and is recognized as Win32/Packed.VMProtect or Win32/Packed.Themida. In ALL cases this is a FALSE ALARM as NONE of the Game Trainers @ GCW contain known malicious code! More info in the! • If you have problems using a trainer in combination with Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 10 then make sure to run the trainer with Administrator rights and when needed in Windows XP or Windows 98 compatibility mode!

• ALL available trainers are for Single Player/Offline use ONLY! Don't try to use them online else your account can/will be banned/closed!

- File Archive [18.6 MB] Alcohol 52%/120% Image Tools Play Instructions: • Install the game - Full Installation. • Mount the DRAKENSANG2.MDS Mini-Image in Alcohol 52%/120% v2.0.0.2033. • Play the Game! Note: This Mini-Image should also work for other languages. RELOADED File Archive [10.0 MB] Play Instructions: • Install the game - Full Installation. • Extract the File Archive to the game directory - Overwriting existing files! • Play the Game!

Bender File Archive [244 KB] DAEMON Tools Image Tools Play Instructions: • Install the game - Full Installation. • Mount the DRAKENSANG_PHILEASSON.MDS Mini-Image in DAEMON Tools Pro 4.36.0309. • Play the Game! 0x0007 File Archive [3.3 MB] Play Instructions: • Install Drakensang: Am Fluss der Zeit - Full Installation. • Install Drakensang: Phileassons Geheimnis - Full Installation.

• Extract the File Archive to the game directory - Overwriting existing files! • Play the Game! 0x0007 File Archive [2.5 MB] Play Instructions: • Install the game - Full Installation.

• Apply the official Drakensang: Am Fluss der Zeit v1.1 Patch. • Extract the File Archive to the game directory - Overwriting existing files! • Play the Game! FastMemFirst File Archive [235 KB] Virtual CD Image Tools Play Instructions: • Install the game - Full Installation. • Mount the DRAKENSANG.VC4 Mini-Image in Virtual CD v10.1.0.0.

• Play the Game! Note: Mount the Mini-Image to the physical DVD drive letter (don't mount it to the Virtual CD's Virtual driver) Bender File Archive [46 KB] Alcohol 52% Image Tools - A.C.I.D v1.2.10010 Play Instructions: • Install the game - Full Installation. • Mount the DRAKENSANG.MDS Mini-Image in Alcohol 52% v2.0.0.1331. • Use an anti-blacklisting tool, like A.C.I.D v1.2.10010, to to avoid blacklisting of virtual drive(s). • Play the Game! Note: This method will NOT work on all systems!

0x0007 File Archive [2.5 MB] Play Instructions: • Install the game - Full Installation. • Extract the File Archive to the game directory - Overwriting existing files! • Play the Game! Note: This Fixed EXE does not work properly due to a few active SecuROM Triggers!